Tuesday, October 2, 2012

8 months later.............

Wow! It has been nearly 8 months, since I last post. And, THAT AIN'T RIGHT!!! Sigh... It has been a bumpy, loop filled, back of neck jerking type of ride. I have let emotions, and feelings, and symptoms hold back my posting. And, WHERE WE DO THT AT??!!! I know. Evidently, (here). All of a sudden, I'm allowing this diagnosis to hault me on all corners. Wait. Oh, yeah. I haven't posted since February. Well............................. Since Febryary, I have been diagnosed with lupus and fibromyalgia. May was Lupus, (go figure, it being lupus awareness month), and July was Fibromyalgia. Yes, two fun ones. Both have no cure, but that does not make it a death sentence for me. I have a mild case of lupus. I don't get the famous butterfly rash accross the nose and cheeks. Nor, do I get the organ involvement. But, I do get the fatigue, joint pain, digestive problems, cognitive problems (fog and problem concentrating), vertigo, and weakness in extremeties (arms and legs), PLUS some numbness and tingling. And, no.. Not that good tingling that you get, when the person you like touches your arm or finally NOTICES YOU. Naw, ahhh ah! That, oh my gosh, I think my arm is going numb, geesh, I may be having a stroke or heart attack tingling. Fun, right?! And, with fibromyalgia, the same symptoms occur. The only difference, is my tendons all over my body are tender and painful to the touch. Can, you say: double the symptoms...?! Streamers and ballons, over here. Ha! As, you can see, I have learned to joke, with the two. You have to, or you will go CRAZY, straight LOONEY TOONES, with Myra chasing you into the big W, along with the other characters o_0. Bcuz, of the health thing, I no longer work. And, if I do go back, it will be part time. These symptoms strike at any given time they feel like it. Selfish, right?!! Tell me about it (makes cute digusted face)!@#!!

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