Monday, January 30, 2012

Sunday Evening continues.... Into Monday Morning

So.. The heating pad worked, for when it was there. It relieved little thrombing, but not much. Took me awhile before I rested. Kept tossing, turning and switching from fetal to supine. Woke up with that same ache. It decided to go to work with me and get ALLLL in the way. But I managed through it, like I "always do". It's 9:12pm and it still remains in its achiness. It gets worst, before the better comes.
Closer to my diagnosis...... Just have to ENDURE. And I shall.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunday Evening..

Pain in upper left back, below the shoulder blade. Kind of behind the breast bone.. Dull and achey. Constant for 5 hours. Accompanied with shortness of breath. A pressure-like feeling radiating without relief. Pain meds don't seem to be kicking it. Will try heating pad to relief some sort of discomfort. Was feeling fine doing the earlier parts of the day.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Friday Night Fatigue.... Ugh!

It hit me around 7 oclock. I was out, doing some shopping, and was hit with surge of FATIGUE. It started between my shoulder blades, and made its course down my back, then extended itself throughout my limbs. Spin cycling through my body. Radiating with NO EXIT. I pushed passed it, and kept shopping. But, eventually, I had to make my exit back towards the front of the store. The feeling was getting a bit consuming, to the point, where my equilibrium was being affected. Staggering home like a drunk, without the alcohol consumption.
At home (now) waiting for it to pass....
*My Friday Night*

Thursday, January 26, 2012

After The Appointment

Feeling pretty good. Scratch that. Feeling pretty BLESSED, FAVORED, and GRATEFUL.
1st my vitals were taken. BP was a little low. Waited.... Then I was called back. Greeted by the doctor. He was friendly. I camed EQUIPPED with my medical records (hint, hint). And check this out.....
Brownie Point 1: The doc reviewed them!!!
No doctor has EVER looked over my records. They just picked over certain points, and concluded in a DISMISSAL.
A head to toe exam was done.
Brownie Point 2: And plenty of notes were taken!!!
Not just "the criteria notes", but non conventional-out of the box notes.
Repeated blood work was done. And a bunch of appointmnets were made.
For the first time... I walked away from an appointment feeling ASSURED.
God was all up and through that atmosphere. He orchestrated the whole thing! He gave ADDED KNOWLEDGE to the right persons.
Oh, the MIRACLES that take place when you put your TRUST in God.
Father CAME THROUGH for His child.
Asking (now) for continued TRUST on that level.
*One Step Away From A Diagnosis*


Appointment Day!!!

At John Hopkins.. In tears. Because, God made this POSSIBLE! I prayed last night, and received my CONFIRMATION in a dream. Woke up, IN AMOUR. God is my Physician. I'm in His Hands. He made room for this, so I TRUST Him in this.. GLORY BE UNTO Him!!! Awaiting to be called back......

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Day Before The BIG John Hopkins Day....!

Wednesday.... 10:51pm. And, my stomach is a ball of unstretched noodles.. I am nervous, and EXCITED about my appointment on tomorrow. THIS HAS BEEN THE APPOINTMENT OF A LONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG TIME COMING!!! Shoot... this appointment should be free, after alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, and I do mean alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the doc appointments and ER visits that I have encounter, for them to tell me "we don't know". But, nothing the less.... I'm filled with anticipation (when you think about it, is the sum of nervousness and excitement).

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

January 2012

I woke to my alarm this morning at 6am. Of COURSE I SNOOZED THE 1ST REMINDER TO GET UP. But, then I snoozed the next, then the next one, THEN THE NEXT!!! Not, because I was sleep deprived, but because I couldn't lift my body. It wasn't TIREDNESS that I was ex-piernc-ing... It was morning fatigue. I couldn't lift my body to sit up. I mean, I struggled for about 35 minutes. And, the reason why I know it was exactly 35minutes, is because, my alarm sends a 5 minute reminder, after a snooze, until you press DISMISS. Well, I was trying to DISMISS the fatigue, so I wouldn't risk being late for work, but it wouldn't go away. At 6:35, I FINALLY used all the strength I had, and threw my body upward. I felt really, really drowsy; as if I took a sleep aide... Getting dressed, was at a slow rate. Even my speech was a little slurred. I had to keep repeating words to my mom, who called to check on me. I had a hard time keeping my eyes open on the ride to work. This lasted for 2 hours, then slowly faded away... My day resumed at a "normal" pace.

Monday, January 2, 2012

1st Symptom..

The first symptom I had, was during my freshman year of college in 2004. I was laying in the bed, D-R-EA-D-I-N-G the fact that I signed up for a 8 oclock class. I already had it in my mind, that I wasn't going.. And, that I would go to breakfast instead (what's 1 class right). As, I rose to get dressed... I didn't. My whole body was stiff. I mean, I couldn't move a limb. All that seemed to move, were tears down my face. For, I couldn't understand what the heck was going on. My roommate was gone, and all that remained in the room were me and non-movement. I layed there at least 10 minutes, before movement found its way back to my body. It took me awhile to raise up, but once I did, I jetted to the student medical center. The nurses looked at me like I was an ABSTRACT PIECE. The reason why, was because I "looked normal". The nurse pursuaded me, that I suffered from a spasm of some sort, gave me an aspirin and sent me on my way...


LIFE, is an abstract-1-of-a-kind ART PIECE. Many will view it at particular angles... Some will get disgust at its whirlpool of colors and textures. While others, will admire its unpredictable-ness. Ironically, we will all VIEW IT (TOGETHER) AT THE SAME ANGLE, with the continuous of living. What's Your Angle Looking Like??? For me... I find my angle at an ADMIRABLE scope! Even, if I don't understand all of its LOOPS and SPLATTERS. But, WAIT......... Isn't that the point of an ABSTARCT...??!!